Voyages is now accepting submissions for prose, essays, editorials, photography, and book reviews. Submission abstracts should be 300 words or less in word, PDF, or jpeg formats. Poetry / prose submissions will be limited to six poems, ten pages total. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Notify us immediately if your submission has been accepted elsewhere. We prefer work that has not been widely published.
papers / articles / interviews / editorials
submission abstracts should be 300 words in length. we prefer to host essays that are roughly 1500 words (or less) in length, while full articles will be left to the authorʼs discretion provided that the reading length is manageable. citations should occur in the form of endnotes.
photographic work / photo-essays
photographic submissions should be thematically appropriate, and based on original work. images must be contained in a single doc, docx, pdf, jpeg, or tiff file. images can be submitted in low resolution; however, upon acceptance, images must be provided with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, or greater, and as a tiff or jpeg that can be reproduced at 1,650 pixels wide. captions or text submitted with your images should be contained in the single file that contains the images. the captions or text should be numbered or placed to indicate a corresponding order with the photographs. all written portions of your submission should be in 12-point type, with at least one-inch margins, and your pages should be sequentially numbered.
“Sculptor” by David Alabo. (
by Kendario La’Pierre. (
poetry / prose
submit work that directly challenges conventions of language , style and voice. engaging, non-traditional poetry/prose that explores but is not limited to politics, economics, government, war, leadership; issues of identity (gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, disability, body image, immigration, heritage, etc.); community, religion, culture, and poems about history. please send 2 - 6 poems (max of 10 pages) as a single file formatted for ms word or as a pdf. a cover letter with contact information and bio in the third person is required, and should be pasted into your email message and addressed to the editors.
please note that all submissions should be accompanied by a brief 4-5 line biographical statement that is composed in third-person format. simultaneous submissions are welcome with immediate notification of acceptance elsewhere as we will give preference to work that has not been widely published. we will try our best to respond as quickly as we can to your submission(s). due to the fact that this project will be free and open access, we cannot offer payment at this time.